HIFU works by delivering high intensity focused ultrasound to the dermal and sub-dermal layers of the skin causing trauma to the underlying tissue, therefore triggering the process of renewed collagen production. The skin will look noticeably tighter, lifted and have a much more youthful glow. the amazing tightening and lifting results can be seen in the weeks following your initial appointment and can last up to 1 year following treatment!
FAT FREEZING is a completely non-invasive method of removing stubborn pockets of fat. In the weeks following treatment, fat cells are broken down and eliminated from the body having been exposed to extreme cold temperatures. This treatment can be highly effective in isolation, but maximum results can be seen when combined with cavitation treatments, Radio Frequency or Fat Reduction Injections
AQUA INFINI SKIN BOOSTER: A Perfect alternative for those of you which do not wish to add volume to the face with Dermal filler or have reached a point where you have maximised with filler treatments but what to maintain skin health. These potent blends of high grade hyaluronic acid are combined to make a highly effective injectable skin boosting cocktails plump, and restore the youthfulness to skin, but do not ‘fill’ like traditional Dermal Filler, that add volume or change facial shape & contours.
FAT REDUCTION INJECTIONS are the market leading safest & most effective way to eliminate stubborn fatty deposits. They are especially effective in areas where smaller fat deposits collect. These problem zones usually affect the abdomen, chins, upper arms or upper legs (saddlebags), and are often impossible to shift even with a healthy diet and exercise.
COLLAGEN LIFT treatments tighten, firm and sculpt the skin using radio-frequency energy. Allowing you to turn back the clock on your skin and achieve a youthful glow. The treatment is ideal if you want to rejuvenate your skin while avoiding surgical procedures. The treatment is versatile – suitable for use on the face and the body to smooth away all skin concerns.